Private Addiction and Substance Abuse Services


O’Connor Professional Group is a concierge service and does not accept insurance. We do our best to help clients find treatment providers who accept insurance.

Approximately ten percent of the US population suffers from addiction; a limited number of individuals in that group receive the treatment that they need. Outcome studies reflect that individuals who reach at least one year of continuous sobriety have the highest chances for long-term, sustained recovery.

To reach this milestone, individuals with addiction-related behaviors require a cohesive plan with vetted, high-quality resources, and tailored addiction and substance abuse services to address their specific needs. OPG Addiction Services include options targeted to clients with substance abuse and other compulsive behaviors (e.g., video gaming, gambling, sex). Many individuals with addiction issues have a co-occurring mental health condition or other behavioral issues, which can be addressed through OPG services.

Summary of Private Addiction and Substance Abuse Services

OPG offers customized, private services to individuals and family members; these services can be offered in-person or remote. Please refer to the below services for more information.


When an addiction or substance use issue arises, it can be challenging for families and individuals to determine a course of action. O’Connor Professional Group offers diagnostic assessments for clients; we also provide treatment placement consultations for clients interested in residential options, but who are unsure about which facility to choose. Finally, OPG provides multidisciplinary team consultations for complex cases (i.e., multiple co-occurring issues, concerns around a family business). Additionally, consultations include:

  • Gathering of clinical history from family, therapeutic providers, and individuals
  • Development of a plan for clinical, educational, vocational, independent living and social resources

We’re here for you. Schedule an addiction consultation for yourself or a loved one now.


When an individual is unable or refuses to address a pattern of unhealthy behavior, family members, advisors, or employers may reach a point where they require professional help to facilitate a conversation, with the goal of getting an individual to accept help. OPG tailors the type and approach of the intervention, as well as the professionals involved to best address the presenting situation. Additionally, interventions include:

  • Facilitation of meetings with family members to encourage a resistant individual to engage in services
  • Identification of appropriate residential treatment facility or treatment program
  • Follow up and guidance following intervention

Take the first steps in coordinating a substance abuse addiction. Contact us here.


Case management and care coordination are crucial services for anyone struggling with an addiction or substance use disorder. Individuals require cohesive plans with vetted, high-quality resources, and tailored, coordinated services to address their specific needs and to achieve long-term success. Many families, employers and advisors struggle with navigating the system and facilitating conversations between multiple professionals. OPG can offer case management and care coordination over the long term to individuals and their various support systems. Additionally, case management services include:

  • Assistance forming a clinical team
  • Facilitation of communication between providers and family members
  • Creation of short- and long-term goals, monitoring of progress
  • Coordination of services

Get help with case management and care coordination today.


Any individual struggling with addiction or substance use disorder needs therapeutic support, but it is also important to have accountability tools built into aftercare treatment plans. Outcome studies suggest that individuals with substance use or addiction issues who participate in alcohol and/or drug monitoring have lower relapse rates than their counterparts. Many clients struggle with effectively managing their finances and that process can be a source of frustration for the family enterprise. OPG offers customized monitoring tools to address each of these needs. Additionally, monitoring services include:

  • Financial management
  • Alcohol/drug testing
  • Medication management

Find the right recovery monitoring support. Get started now.


OPG offers an array of short-term therapeutic training experiences for individuals and their support systems. These options range from supportive transitions from residential programs to in-home eating disorder support. Intensives serve as home-based alternatives or step-downs from institutionally based clinical programs (e.g., intensive outpatient programs, family programs offered by residential treatment programs), and allow clients to work with their established clinical teams in their communities.


Substance abuse and addiction can have a significant impact on your experience in the workplace. Executive Coaching helps individuals in recovery assess their long-term career and educational goals, increase their productivity, and optimize their time. OPG services offers Executive Coaching tailored services in person or remotely to aid clients in achieving and maintaining successful careers.


Our therapeutic recovery coaching services include a broad array of activities that can help to ease a client’s transition to the community after a residential treatment or provide support as a complement to outpatient clinical services. Coaching services are tailored to a client’s specific diagnosis and can be delivered on a personalized schedule. O’Connor Professional Group matches the therapeutic coach to the client’s clinical profile and personal preferences. Our coaching services also assist clients with organization, time management, and executive functioning. Additionally, therapeutic recovery coaching includes:

  • Interface with insurance company/funding sources
  • Vocational coaching (e.g., job searching, resume writing, volunteer placements)
  • Educational support (e.g., applying to schools, completing assignments)
  • Executive functioning coaching (e.g., time management, organization)
  • Socialization (e.g., location of positive peer networks)
  • Exposure work in conjunction with a clinical team
  • Nutritional and fitness guidance
  • Coping and interpersonal skill development (e.g., stress tolerance)
  • Navigation of self-help meetings (e.g., AA, NA, Smart Recovery)
  • Transportation to and from appointments

Get started with a recovery coach today.


OPG Therapeutic Recovery Companions provide individuals with support to maintain independent, productive lives. Therapeutic Companions can respond rapidly to client needs, offer intensive support, stabilize individuals in crises, and empower change while seamlessly blending into social and professional circles. They work collaboratively with aftercare treatment teams and are closely supervised. Additionally, therapeutic recovery companions can include:

  • 24/7 in-person support
  • Available for both long and short term support
  • Available nationally and internationally in a timely manner
  • Knowledgeable professionals capable of rapidly developing rapport even in the most challenging of circumstances
  • Supported by an administrative infrastructure that allows for smooth logistical planning, service coordination, and client safety
  • Trained and supervised closely by OPG clinical supervisors
  • Collaborative with multidisciplinary teams that may include advisors, lawyers, clinical professionals, family members, and/or employers
  • Matched to a range of clinical needs, personality profiles, and interests
  • Skilled at navigating high-risk situations and troubleshooting client crises

Let us find the right sober companion for you. Get started here.


Treatment for behavioral health issues focuses on the individual, while family members still need resources to manage their own reactions and emotions. OPG employs a “dual-track concept,” with separate professionals coaching the individual and his or her family members, to ensure that all parties find ways to heal. OPG also offers guidance to advisors, employers, and professionals when they encounter behavioral health issues in their work with families, colleagues, or employees. Additionally, family, advisor, and employer services include:

  • Education on diagnosis
  • Crisis management
  • Support on developing and holding healthy boundaries

To see how a sample behavioral health treatment plan can come together with the help of our team, read our alcohol use disorder case study, and our opiate case study.

To find out more about any of our substance abuse and addiction services and to get started on the path to recovery, please call us at 617.221.8507 or fill out the form on our contact page. We’re here for you and your family and can’t wait to help you.
